Year 5

Class Teachers:  Mrs J Quintana (5 Perseus) and Mrs H Phillips [5 Hercules]

Upper Phase Assistant Head: Mrs J Quintana


Information about what the children will be learning - please click on link below:

- Year 5 Curriculum Plan 2024/25

- Timetables 2023/24: 5Hercules    5Perseus

- Year 5 Curriculum Newsletter

Homework is set on Fridays and due in the following Friday. This will alternate between a Maths and English task each week.

Spellings set on Mondays and tested the following Monday. 

Click here for the statutory spelling word list to be learnt:   Statutory words for Years 5 and 6

Click here for the spelling plans: Autumn 1 spelling plans

Click on this link to view: Spelling Shed League Table

Reading books should be taken home and returned to school daily and read as often as possible. Please sign Home School contact books at least three times weekly.

PE days: 

5 Perseus: Wednesday and Thursday [children wear their PE kit all day - no jewellery]

5 Hercules: Monday and Wednesday [children wear their PE kit all day - no jewellery]