
Safeguarding at Someries Junior School

If a child discloses something that concerns you, or you see or hear something that worries you, you MUST report this to one of our safeguarding team:

  • Mr Jason Hunt (Head Teacher & Designated Safeguarding Lead)
  • Mr David Finch (Family Worker  & Deputy DSL)
  • Ms Nila Awan (Learning Mentor & Deputy DSL)
  • Miss Nyla Sadaq (Assistant Head Teacher & Deputy DSL)

Extremism concerns MUST be reported to David Finch (Prevent)

Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub: If you cannot contact the team, you can contact MASH directly: 01582 547653

Remember: Protecting children is everybody’s responsibility

Safeguarding information for our site

Please follow this link to read our safeguarding leaflet for visitors to our site: Safeguarding Leaflet

Early Help

Please see details of our early help offer below (or click here to download: Early Help document)

Other safeguarding information

Please see these pages of our website:

Operation Encompass

Someries Junior School is part of Operation Encompass which has been established to help schools to provide support to children who may have been affected by incidents of domestic abuse in the home. We know that children can be significantly physically or emotionally harmed when they are involved in, present at or witness to domestic abuse.

As part of Operation Encompass, we will receive notifications following any domestic abuse incidents reported by Bedfordshire Police where a child attending the school may have been affected.

Mr Finch is designated as the Key Lead for this scheme. As our Key Adult, Mr Finch has received guidance and training from Bedfordshire Police to allow him to use the information that has been shared in confidence and to make sure the right support is available for children and their families.
Further information about Operation Encompass

Safeguarding policies

You can find safeguarding policies on our Policies page.