Investors in Pupils

As a school, we have been awarded "Investors in Pupils" status. Investors in Pupils is a simple concept to empower all pupils, increase motivation and contribute to raising achievement. The programme offers schools a framework for involving pupils in decision making, and developing responsibility and leadership in relation to their learning and behaviour. Pupils learn about how the school is run, and, in turn, understand how they themselves can contribute to the running of the school. Pupils commit to common goals and teamwork – together with each other and with staff. Schools work to continually improve their provision across a number of indicators. 

Our work is led by by Mrs Whiting, and our school councillors have played a key role in leading some of the developments. 

You can see more about school council on their page in the "About us" section. 

“Meet the governors”

Under Investors in Pupils status, we are keen for the children to have an understanding of how our school works and about the people who make decisions here. Each year, our governors come in to visit the school and meet the children to talk about their role as a governor.  To introduce our governing body, the school council introduced them in a special assembly which was led by School Council.  Children from all years asked the governors some great questions about their role including why they wanted to be a governor.

(You can find out who is on our governing body by looking at the Governors page of the website.)

Class and Individual Aims

As part of the Investors in Pupils process, children learn to set targets or aims for themselves to work on at school. At the start of the academic year, the children and their teacher work together on a class aim and these are reviewed and updated every half term.  Parents and carers can also keep up to date and discuss with their children their aims as an Investors in Pupils sticker goes into the home school contact book. 

Pupil Voice

School Councillors represent their classes and present ideas and requests to the head teacher. You can find out more about this body on our School Council page.

We seek pupils opinions in a detailed annual survey and school leaders use the children's feedback and ideas to make improvements to the school and to the Someries Juniors experience. We also run a wellbeing survey which helps us address the needs of the children, both individual and shared.

About Investors in Pupils

The following document that Miss Perini produced for staff provides detailed information on the process and what it means for the school: